Thursday, March 6, 2008


Welcome to my blog!
I chose John Wyndham's The Day of the Triffids for my first novel, a sophisticated and allegorical book overflowing with truthful ideas and quotes.
Before you dig into my main blogs, here is an introduction to get you started:

Bill Masen takes the bandages off his eyes to find a world that has gone horribly wrong over one night; nearly everyone have gone blind following the previous night’s meteorite shower. To add to the problem, carnivorous plants known as “triffids” escape their nurseries and walk around killing people with their lethal venom stings by the millions. Feeling that he cannot be the only one to maintain his sight, Bill exits the hospital in search of other “sighted” people. Soon, he finds a young sighted woman by the name of Josella Playton, and together, they must find enough people still intact of their sight to continue the human race. To do so, Bill and Josella must helplessly walk through millions of dying people... and corpses.

Will Bill and Josella’s mission come to a success? Or would it be a hopeless last attempt to escape the unavoidable death?


Triffids are the second biggest enemy in the novel for the human race - biggest being the human race itself. They are walking plants that hunt using their very lethal and venomous whips with uncanny accuracy, usually for the victim's head. They are equivalent to destruction in the novel, killing millions of blind human beings for flesh. Even worse, they reproduce very quickly, and throughout the novel, their populations increases catastrophically.

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